
zxl19 2022-10-11




  1. 《视觉SLAM十四讲》
  2. 《自动驾驶中的SLAM技术》
  3. Factor graphs for robot perception
  4. A tutorial on SE(3) transformation parameterizations and on-manifold optimization
  5. Quaternions and Rotations
  6. A micro Lie theory for state estimation in robotics
  7. Quaternion kinematics for the error-state Kalman filter
  8. Probabilistic Robotics
  9. State Estimation for Robotics – First Edition
  10. State Estimation for Robotics – Draft Second Edition
  11. SO(3) and SE(3) Identities and Approximations
  12. Lie theory cheatsheet
  13. Multiple view geometry in computer vision
  14. Modern Robotics


  1. Engineering Notes
  2. 3D Rotation Converter
  3. Quaternions


  1. gaoxiang12/slambook
  2. gaoxiang12/slambook2
  3. gaoxiang12/slambook-en
  4. gaoxiang12/slam_in_autonomous_driving
  5. AlbertSlam/Lee-SLAM-source
  6. jlblancoc/tutorial-se3-manifold
  7. StevenCui/VIO-Doc
  8. TurtleZhong/Map-based-Visual-Localization
  9. PetWorm/IMU-Preintegration-Propogation-Doc
  10. PetWorm/IMU_error_state_propagation_doc
  11. norlab-ulaval/cheatsheet_LieAlgebra
  12. jlblancoc/factor-graphs-course
  13. gongbingg/slam
  14. Joanna-HE/Supplementary-file-for-IKFoM
  15. slam-code/SLAM
  16. brytsknguyen/slict
  17. Tompson11/SLAM_comparison
  18. ganlumomo/VisualInertialOdometry
  19. brytsknguyen/oblam_deskew
  20. YZH-bot/SLAM_Box


  1. 泡泡机器人
  2. 深蓝学院
  3. 自动驾驶之心
  4. RI Seminar: Michael Kaess: Robust and Efficient Real-time Mapping for Autonomous Robots
  5. Optimization-based Localization And Mapping-KTH



  1. Kalman Filter Tutorial
  2. The Kalman Filter
  3. An Introduction to the Kalman Filter
  4. An Introduction to the Kalman Filter-SIGGRAPH 2001
  5. Tutorial: The Kalman Filter
  6. A Kalman Filtering Tutorial for Undergraduate Students
  7. Extended Kalman Filter Tutorial
  8. 卡尔曼滤波(Kalman Filter)原理与公式推导-涅索斯衬衫的文章-知乎
  9. 卡尔曼滤波器(观测器)原理极简介绍-Invictus的文章-知乎
  10. 卡尔曼滤波Kalman Filter之美在于什么?-自动驾驶之心的回答-知乎
  11. 简明ESKF推导-半闲居士的文章-知乎
  12. slam中基于滤波的方法的问题及如何调参?-半闲居士的回答-知乎
  13. LIO中ESKF相关公式的详尽说明-xiaotaw的文章-知乎
  14. Computing Jacobian, why error state?——优化中为何对误差状态求导-邱笑晨的文章-知乎
  15. 简单易懂(?)的误差状态卡尔曼滤波器(Error State Kalman Filter, ESKF)的原理与实现(一)原理简介-llo的文章-知乎
  16. 简单易懂(?)的误差状态卡尔曼滤波器(Error State Kalman Filter, ESKF)的原理与实现(二)算法实现-llo的文章-知乎



  1. alirezaahmadi/KalmanFilter-Vehicle-GNSS-INS
  2. yuzhou42/MSCKF
  3. meyiao/LaserSLAM
  4. RomaTeng/EKF-SLAM-on-Manifold
  5. jaijuneja/ekf-slam-matlab
  6. yuzhou42/ESKF-Attitude-Estimation


  1. rlabbe/filterpy
  2. pykalman/pykalman
  3. commaai/rednose
  4. zziz/kalman-filter
  5. enginBozkurt/Error-State-Extended-Kalman-Filter
  6. diegoavillegasg/IMU-GNSS-Lidar-sensor-fusion-using-Extended-Kalman-Filter-for-State-Estimation
  7. aipiano/ESEKF_IMU
  8. soarbear/imu_ekf
  9. jnez71/kalmaNN


  1. mherb/kalman
  2. hmartiro/kalman-cpp
  3. sfwa/ukf
  4. hku-mars/IKFoM
  5. xiahouzuoxin/kalman_filter
  6. artivis/kalmanif
  7. je310/ESKF
  8. jeremyfix/easykf
  9. pronenewbits/Embedded_EKF_Library
  10. pronenewbits/Embedded_UKF_Library
  11. OpenSLAM-org/openslam_MTK
  12. xinyang-go/eskf
  13. zha0ming1e/InEKF



  1. 高精度捷联惯性导航算法
  2. 卡尔曼滤波与组合导航原理【西北工业大学 严恭敏】
  3. PSINS导航工具箱入门与详解【西北工业大学 严恭敏】
  4. 武汉大学多源智能导航实验室
  5. 武汉大学惯性导航课程合集【2021年秋】
  6. 武汉大学研究生组合导航课程合集【2022年春】
  7. A Guide To using IMU (Accelerometer and Gyroscope Devices) in Embedded Applications-Starlino Electronics
  8. An introduction to inertial navigation
  9. 简明预积分推导-半闲居士的文章-知乎


  1. LiZhengXiao99/Navigation-Learning
  2. benzenemo/TightlyCoupledINSGNSS
  3. yandld/nav_matlab
  4. i2Nav-WHU/Wheel-SLAM
  5. yuzhou42/GPS-INS-Integrated-Navigation
  6. jayoungo/SINS-GPS-Integrated-Navigation



  1. 无人驾驶领域,你推荐那些综述性文章?-王方浩的回答-知乎
  2. Dig into Apollo
  3. Apollo 开放平台
  4. Algorithms for Automated Driving


  1. commaai/openpilot
  2. ApolloAuto/apollo
  3. autowarefoundation/autoware
  4. daohu527/dig-into-apollo
  5. OpenDriveLab/End-to-end-Autonomous-Driving
  6. OpenDriveLab/Birds-eye-view-Perception
  7. YannZyl/Apollo-Note
  8. thomasfermi/Algorithms-for-Automated-Driving
  9. slam-code/apollo
  10. nwaysir/Autopilot-Updating-Notes


  1. 《视觉SLAM学习过程所用资料总结》-行知SLAM的文章-知乎
  2. 聊聊这两年学习slam啃过的书!-小凡的文章-知乎
  3. 超全SLAM学习资源汇总-阿木实验室的文章-知乎
  4. SLAM相关学习资料:综述/激光/视觉/数据集/常用库-菠萝包包包的文章-知乎
  5. 李群和李代数——名字听起来很猛其实也没那么复杂-菠萝包包包的文章-知乎
  6. Probabilistic Robotics
  7. Tim Barfoot
  8. Modern Robotics
  9. 硕士研究生阶段如何学习slam机器人?-Range的回答-知乎
  10. 工具网站推荐-欧拉角四元数在线可视化转化网站/三维在线旋转变换网站-CSDN博客
  11. 严恭敏的个人主页