
zxl19 2021-06-08


rosbag Hello World

  1. rosbag是ROS中用于存储ROS消息数据的文件格式,文件名后缀为.rosbag
  2. 使用rosbag命令行工具可以对于rosbag中的数据进行记录、回放、操作;
  3. 语法说明:

     rosbag <subcommand> [options] [args]
  4. 显示帮助信息:

     rosbag -h
     rosbag <subcommand> -h


subcommand 含义
record Record a bag file with the contents of specified topics.
info Summarize the contents of a bag file.
play Play back the contents of one or more bag files.
check Determine whether a bag is playable in the current system, or if it can be migrated.
fix Repair the messages in a bag file so that it can be played in the current system.
filter Convert a bag file using Python expressions.
compress Compress one or more bag files.
decompress Decompress one or more bag files.
reindex Reindex one or more broken bag files.

rosbag record命令


rosbag record TOPIC1 [TOPIC2 TOPIC3 ...]


options 含义
-h, --help Show the usage and exit.
-a, --all Record all topics.
-e, --regex Match topics using regular expressions.
-p, --publish Publish a message when the record begin to write a new bag (topic = “begin_write”).
-x EXCLUDE_REGEX, --exclude=EXCLUDE=REGEX Exclude topics matching the given regular expression (subtracts from -a or -e).
-q, --quiet Suppress console output.
-d, --duration Specify the maximum duration of the recorded bag file.
-o PREFIX, --output-prefix=PREFIX Prepend PREFIX to beginning of bag name before date stamp.
-O NAME, --output-name=NAME Record to bag with name NAME.bag.
--split Split the bag when maximum size (--size) or duration (--duration) is reached.
--max-splits=MAX_SPLITS Split bag at most MAX_SPLITS times, then begin deleting the oldest files. This creates a fixed size or duration recording.
-b SIZE, --buffsize=SIZE Use an internal buffer of SIZE MB (Default: 256, 0 = infinite). This is the message queue of the recorder object, before messages are being passed on to the bag. Lowering this value might result in messages being dropped before they reach the recording process.
--chunksize=SIZE Advanced. Record to chunks of SIZE KB (Default: 768). This is a buffer within the bag file object. Lowering this value will result in more writes to disk.
-l NUM, --limit=NUM Only record NUM messages on each topic.
--node=NODE Record all topics subscribed to by a specific node.
-j, --bz2 Use BZ2 compression. See compress for details.
--lz4 Use LZ4 compression. See compress for details.
--tcpnodelay Use the TCP_NODELAY transport hint when subscribing to topics.
--udp Use the UDP transport hint when subscribing to topics.

rosbag info命令


rosbag info [options] BAGFILE1 [BAGFILE2 BAGFILE3 ...]


options 含义
-h, --help Show the usage and exit.
-y, --yaml Print information in YAML format.
-k KEY, --key=KEY Print information only on the given field (requires -y).

rosbag play命令


rosbag play BAGFILE1 [BAGFILE2 BAGFILE3 ...]


options 含义
-h, --help Show the usage and exit.
-p PREFIX, --prefix=PREFIX Prefix all output topics.
-q, --quiet Suppress console output.
-i, --immediate Play back all messages without waiting.
--pause Start in paused mode.
--queue=SIZE Use an outgoing queue of size SIZE (defaults to 0. As of 1.3.3 defaults to 100).
--clock Publish the clock time.
--hz=HZ Publish clock time at frequency HZ Hz (default: 100).
-d SEC, --delay=SEC Sleep SEC seconds after every advertise call (to allow subscribers to connect).
-r FACTOR, --rate=FACTOR Multiply the publish rate by FACTOR.
-s SEC, --start=SEC Start SEC seconds into the bags.
-u SEC, --duration=SEC Play only SEC seconds from the bag files.
--skip-empty=SEC Skip regions in the bag with no messages for more than SEC seconds.
-l, --loop Loop playback.
-k, --keep-alive Keep alive past end of bag (useful for publishing latched topics).
--try-future-version Still try to open a bag file, even if the version number is not known to the player.
--topics Specify which topics to play back.
--pause-topics Topics to pause on during playback.
--bags=BAGS Bags files to play back from.
--wait-for-subscribers Wait for at least one subscriber on each topic before publishing.
--rate-control-topic=RATE_CONTROL_TOPIC Watch the given topic, and if the last publish was more than RATE_CONTROL_MAX_DELAY ago, wait until the topic publishes again to continue playback.
--rate-control-max-delay=RATE_CONTROL_MAX_DELAY Maximum time difference from RATE_CONTROL_TOPIC before pausing.

rosbag check命令




options 含义
-h, --help Show the usage and exit.
-g RULEFILE, --genrules=RULEFILE Generate a bag migration rule file named RULEFILE.
-a, --append Append to the end of an existing bag migration rule file after loading.
-n, --noplugins Do not load rule files via plugins.

rosbag fix命令




options 含义
-h, --help Show the usage and exit.
-n, --noplugins Do not load rule files via plugins.

rosbag filter命令


rosbag filter [options] INBAG OUTBAG EXPRESSION


options 含义
-h, --help Show the usage and exit.
--print=PRINT-EXPRESSION Evaluate and print a Python expression for verbose debugging. Uses same variables as filter expression.

rosbag compress命令


rosbag compress [options] BAGFILE1 [BAGFILE2 ...]


options 含义
-h, --help Show the usage and exit.
--output-dir=DIR Write to directory DIR.
-f, --force Force overwriting of backup file it it exists.
-q, --quiet Suppress noncritical messages.
-j, --bz2 Use BZ2 to compress data.
--lz4 Use LZ4 to compress data.

rosbag decompress命令


rosbag decompress [options] BAGFILE1 [BAGFILE2 ...]


options 含义
-h, --help Show the usage and exit.
--output-dir=DIR Write to directory DIR.
-f, --force Force overwriting of backup file it it exists.
-q, --quiet Suppress noncritical messages.

rosbag reindex命令


rosbag reindex [options] BAGFILE1 [BAGFILE2 ...]


options 含义
-h, --help Show the usage and exit.
--output-dir=DIR Write to directory DIR.
-f, --force Force overwriting of backup file it it exists.
-q, --quiet Suppress noncritical messages.


  1. rosbag/Commandline-ROS Wiki